Nancy Ajram
(on the set of her new music video Ah wa Nos (#17!) )
Listen to it here (Real Player Required)
If girls and women alike actually knew w hat this woman above had to do to look as " beautiful" (remember,beauty is in the eye of the beholder) as she does today, they would probably feel so much better about themselves. (Believe me, she was not quite the looker she is now. Unfortunately, she was not able to rely soley on her voice to get to where she is today).
21-year-old Lebanese singer Nancy Ajram has allegedly been singing all her life, but did not achieve her fame and glamour her until she came out with her jaw-opening, eyebrow-raising music video (yet with quite the most catchy of tunes, might I add - and still on the charts as number 34!) This music video of which I speak, called "Akhasmak Ah, Aseebak La" (translation: Fight With You, Yes - Leave you, No - the title is much more glamorous in Arabic) became a controversy when it came out in 2003, especially in the more conservative parts of the Arab world (where that is the main area in which she is popular). But she is now seen as pretty moderate, compared to some of the newer stars that are singing today. (More on that topic later).
Her newest song "Lawn Ayoonak" (Color of Your Eyes) was a grand success and is currently number 6 on the "Top Videos" list in the Melody Hits Website.
Ajram just recently completed the filming of a new Coca Cola commercial in Cairo, Egypt, where - rumor has it - she has underwent yet another make-over... (enough already!) Supposedly she was paid $2 million in American dollars, "which is one of the highest rates given to any Arab singer by an international company."
Also in the news...
Ajram reported at a recent press conference in Kuwait that she will help out the Tsunami victims in the next couple of days by hosting charity concerts. She will be singing in Lebanon along with other stars, whose names are not yet identified. Go Nancy!
Until Next Time...